A random collection of incredibly intelligent and insightful comment on my life at the moment... Because you care.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

OK so I decided about a week ago to adopt a new motto: "Let It Go." It started working immediately. I caught myself getting bitter and angry and placing serious blame for my present situation. I stopped. All of a sudden, I had a ton of energy to burn elsewhere. The garage is cleaned out. The fireplace is out. The theatre room is ready for a pro final mud and paint. Among other things. Here's to me keeping it up.

Friday, February 04, 2011

You Want A Fucking Update?

Ok so it seems that only pornmongers and spammers read this. Excellent. I'm going to start this shit up again and keep them relatively up to date with my crazy bullshit. Put your fuckin' seatbelt on. I'm amazing.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Tossed into the freezer like last week's leftover turkey soup

Happy New Year, y'all. I'm back in Edmonton after spending 2 great weeks on The Island with family & friends. Kate, Kitty & I had a very good time, although Kitty wasn't as pleased to be on a 737 as Kate and I were. Didn't really get enough time to look into getting work out there, but it wasn't really the best 2 weeks of the year to be doing that... A couple of contacts, though, and the need for qualified tradesmen out there definitely seems to be increasing. Should be living in Victoria before the end of 2005!! What else... My computering has taken an interesting turn, as I have traded Windows for Linux, and just about everything is a little different over here. Order me up a set of coke-bottle glasses and a matching pocket protector, because this will most certainly keep me busy reading geek manuals and taking notes with squiggly symbols and such! Oh, and before I promise to keep this page a little more regularly updated, y'all should leave a comment or 2 so's I believe that anyone even cares what I think! Wouldn't hurt to suggest some topics for future posts, either, I aim to please! Gotta run, take good care of yerselves! -Drew.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Christmas Holidays!!

This'll be short & sweet, I'm at work... New job, back to Shell Scotford, home every night, but long days, 12 hour shifts, and not a day off in sight (no complaints though). Christmas holidays are a lock, Kate and I will be landing in Victoria on Dec. 18 and staying until January 3. For y'all on the island, looking forward to seeing you! Back to work for me, take care, Drew.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Fer Those Who're Still Checkin'...

Back home in Edmonton for a couple of nights (in a row!). Calgary job is almost finished, all of the electrical work is completed... Cold Lake, as well, is almost complete, and not a minute too soon. What a nightmare that one was; one thing after another it seemed, went wrong, and being far too far from civilization made it difficult to get any parts or tools for unexpected fixes. Definitely a lesson in patience and on-the-spot problem solving, or "engineering ingenuity" if you will. At the moment, Kate and I are planning our Christmas (no offense to any sensitive minority groups intended) holidays on the Island. Looks like we will be flying out sometime around Dec. 18th, and staying until after New Years Eve. Once the dates are permanent, WestJet tickets in hand, I will be sure to post the info here. Peas be with you 'till we meat again,


P.S. A special "Hey" to Jenn... Happy Belated 30th Birthday!!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ok, ok, ok...

Well well, here I am again, and yes, It has been too long. Not a whole lot is new, I've been spending most of my time relaxing and hanging out with Kate, who arrived back 'home' in Edmonton last Saturday. Cali is doing fine, the medicine seemed too do its job nicely and she's taken a liking to her new food. I'm leaving for work in Calgary first thing tomorrow morning, and may or may not be home in Edmonton on Sundays. Hopefully, I will have internet access in our hotel room, and I'll do my best to keep this page relatively up to date. Until next time...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Cali's Goings-On

Kitty is feeling much better now, new food, and twice daily doses of Antibiotics and Valium seem to be helping. I am leaving for work in the morning, and will be gone for a few days, so Uncle Dupes and Auntie Vikki have been nice enough to make space in their home for her to stay. Until next time, Working hard in Clyde, AB. Take care,